Eating Disorders
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Eating disorder therapy in Nashville
Is this really an eating disorder?
Your relationship with food is complicated. It’s not picky eating or on the other hand just loving a specific food. It’s an anxiety about eating. Whether that’s eating a lot and purging, or barely eating at all, food causes stress that doesn’t seem to affect others the same way as it affects you. What’s going on?
Not only is your relationship with food complicated, but you find you’re isolating yourself from friends and family. You might have some physical issues, like gastrointestinal problems, significant weight changes, or irregular menstruation. If this is your experience, you may have an eating disorder. You may wish to use this screening tool from the National Eating Disorders Association. Symptoms of eating disorders include:
Weight gain/loss
Compulsive behavior
Social isolation
Gastrointestinal issues
Irregular menstruation or lack of
Physical decline in wellbeing
Worry about weight/body shape
Self-induced purging or vomiting
Extreme or compulsive exercise
Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa, often shortened to just anorexia, is an illness where restricting food intake, concerns around weight gain or obesity, and distorted self-perception are the norm. Bulimia nervosa is when someone eats in binges to prevent weight gain, leading to self-induced purging, vomiting, or intense unhealthy levels of exercise. Binge eating disorder is characterized by eating in compulsive binge without the compensation of purging or exercise.
All three of these illnesses are difficult to push past. They could be caused by your genetics, your body’s chemistry, the culture you’re living in, situations with family or peers, or psychological factors like perfectionism and low self-esteem. You have the ability to understand your eating disorder and move forward, and we’re here to help.
An Eating Disorder Doesn’t Have to Be In Control
At Nashville Center for Psychotherapy and Trauma, we will help you understand what leads you to your unhealthy relationship with food. It may be an underlying struggle like anxiety, depression, self-esteem, or past trauma. From here, we’ll help you identify the negative patterns that lead to your eating disorder taking over and work on tangible steps you can take to make a positive change.
Our goal is to heal your relationship with food by addressing the causes. You’ll begin to have a higher self-esteem, you’ll feel more comfortable with your body, and you’ll develop healthy methods of coping with stress and anxiety. It won’t be easy, but you’re ready to make a change. Get started by contacting us today.
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